KuberTips is a Research Platform or Market place connecting Traders with Registered Analysts, Algoritham/Strategy Programmers and successfull Traders. kuberTips is owned by GeeNee Fintech Pvt Ltd, Kochi, Kerala. Traders can access investment reports from SEBI registered Research Analyst, Build signals using Technical tools with a concentration on Stock, Futures, Options & Commodity Derivatives.
KuberTips is managed by expert professionals having more than a decade long of experience in the industry. Its is also supported by highly experienced Technology team. We aim to provide valuable insight and understanding on equity and derivative through AI based data analysis and adopting comprehensive strategies.
KuberTips is aiming to be a pioneer trading support app concentarting on data analysis, Reserach signals, Auto Trading and social trading.
If you are an Investor or trader or thinking to get the advantage of Financial Markets then you have found the exact market place. Join us and feel the advantage!!.